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PPG Game Of The Year 2024 - 07 - Shooters Better Than COD

As is evident by the list below, the first person shooter space is thriving with experiences that don't rely on the mining of actual human suffering from recent history in order to produce a great entertainment experience. 

Mullet Madjack
This Some 80s Anime Shit
High octane first person action where every second counts. Excessively violent and bursting with style.

Selaco (EA)
Destructive Environments
A shockingly fun and well told campaign, mixed with excellent twitchy shooting and heavily destructible environments set on a space station after the fall of Earth.

GHOSTWARE: Arena of the Dead
Retro FPS Metroidvania
Neat sci-fi story meets retro shooter aesthetics and gameplay as you blast your way across levels and realities attempting to escape. Conspiracy is afoot.

Eastern European Half Life
A solo developed FPS inspired by the likes of DOOM (2016) and Half Life but with a distinctly USSR Eastern European bent.

I Am Your Beast
Rage Against The Military
Fast paced and flashy FPS/melee focused action game where you take down the military industrial complex in "micro-sandboxes". Cool comic book art style with attitude.

Wild Bastards
First Person Western Roguelike
Roguelike FPS with striking visuals with a wild west backdrop. Interesting mix of powers, great weapon variety and a bunch of fun characters to play as.

The Tome of All Tales
Bite Sized FPS Campaigns
Now this is really cool. Each day, this game generates an entirely new mini boomer shooter campaign with a handful of levels. It might be western, aliens, magic, who knows.

Echo Point Nova
Titanfall Is Slow And Cumbersome
An open world FPS from the makers of the excellent Severed. Bounding across islands with extremely fast and agile movement, designed for both single player and co-op.

80s Soviet Half Life
Inspirations range from FEAR to Half Life to a little bit of STALKER. Releasing in 1.0 with all chapters now complete, old school sensibilities meet an alt universe Czech Republic.

Shady Knight
Melee Archery Platforming
Not as much a shooter per se, but the fluid first person movement mixed with melee and archery lead into a ballet of death and chaos worthy of the genre.

Hyper Violent Witch
Very gory boomer shooter style FPS with magic that feels like it's pulling on all the classics - Quake, Turok, Hexen. Witches out for REVENGE.

Moon Mystery
Space Level Based Shooter
It's nice to have a B tier linear level based shooter sometimes, you know? There's some puzzle solving, a mysterious narrative, some staged shootouts. Launched a bit buggy, but still pretty fun and intriguing.

420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition
Meme Filled FPS
A full sequel to the original free, funny and somewhat nauseating first game. Filled with memes for our times, with surprisingly competent shooting to boot.

And The Best First Person Shooter Game Of 2024 Is…

Children of the Sun
Single Bullet Masacres
Find the perfect position on the outskirts of an area, then fire off your single sniper bullet that you can control on the fly in such a way to take out all objectives in the area. Proof that the form still has plenty of room for innovation of gameplay, and stories can be told with guns that don’t involve using the very real lives of people who have died that still have living relatives to mourn them.