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2D Zelda Inspired Adventures

Nobody does 2D Zelda style games anymore - at least, not in AAA. Lucky for you, indie’s have that base covered! Well, a little, at least. Here’s a few of the best from 2022.


Set up an adventure asking you to head down into a devious dungeon with monsters and puzzles, then throw in some lite town building back at your home, and you have Anuchard. Quite the satisfying gameplay loop in this one!

The Rusty Sword: Vanguard Island

What if you took the 2D Zelda formula, but reduced it down to an experience that you could complete in 30 minutes? It even has multiplayer.

Lila's Sky Ark

Whimsical with a lovely colour palette, this top down action adventure game has excellent animation and an intriguing mind-palace of a world. Brimming with charm, as this style of game often does.