An indie focused video game website


Interactivity - The Interactive Experience

After the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the good folk at created the “Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality” in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. 1,741 items from 1,391 creators were included in this bundle. This column not only serves to highlight those games, projects and other items from these generous creators, but is also a reminder that Black Lives do, and always will, Matter.

While the fight for racial equality and justice was news story #1 for only a few weeks, the movement did not stop when the coverage moved away. Protests march on, human rights violation occur daily, and justice continues to not be served. We must never stop fighting for what is right.

If you have the means and/or time, you can find ways to help at

Interactivity - The Interactive Experience - $4

The best way to describe Interactivity - The Interactive Experience is Stanley Parable-esque with a smaller scope. 

Interactivity sets up a small 3D space in which you wander through a museum, alone, and interact with the interactive exhibits. There’s some good tidbits of humour and light puzzle solving involved, but the narrative through-line - and it’s implications - are the game here.

To say more would spoil the experience honestly, but I will say this: pay attention, and when you think you’re done, you probably aren’t yet. 

Interactivity does a lot with a little, which I think is the point. It makes good use of the space and the assets available, while still keeping things fresh. Well worth the hour or two of your time to jump in.

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