An indie focused video game website


Escaped Chasm

If you dig a little further below the surface of the big business of the industry, you can find some truly cool games created by people all over the world. Bite Sized is a column highlighting some of those interesting off-beat projects.

Escaped Chasm

Price: pay what you want

Playtime: 30 mins

Created by: temmie

From the artist who played a big part in creating the world of Undertale, comes their own little project, Escaped Chasm. 

This project follows the story of a young girl left home alone, who feels a growing, gnawing urge to go back to sleep. As she dreams, she connects to a world unlike anything she’s ever known.

Escaped Chasm focuses on story and environmental design over complicated mechanics, a positive for the contained narrative being told here. temmie has done a great job of putting together this small slice, while hinting at a potentially larger world expanding upon the themes possibly coming some time in the future.

This little game is very much worth playing on it’s own merit, and sets the stage for some more cool projects down the road!
